Las Vegas Irrigation Repair Co.
Las Vegas #1 Irrigation Company
(702) 802-8974
C - 10 LIC # 0079811

Smart Irrigation Controller in Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Irrigation Repair installs smart irrigation controllers.
Installing a smart irrigation controller will help you manage your irrigation system better than a regular irrigation controller. Using a smart irrigation controller we can set up all the watering schedule for each season and all it takes is a slide of a bottom to change a watering schedule. Smart controllers connect to the nearest weather station and they will not run if we have rain or wind.
They will notify you when it runs and stops, they will keep a recorded of past watering times and minutes. All you need is the controller to be connected to your
Wi-Fi and you can controller it from any where in the world. Smart controllers will help you save water and money not to mention keep your landscaping well water.
(702) 802-8974