Las Vegas Irrigation Repair Co.
Las Vegas #1 Irrigation Company
(702) 802-8974
C - 10 LIC # 0079811

Sprinkler System Repair in Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Irrigation Repair Co. offers the best sprinkler repair service in all of Las Vegas, NV.
Specializing in sprinkler system repair and drip irrigation repair, our expertise in sprinkler valve replacement ,valve wiring, and sprinkler controls helps to create a properly operating and well-designed sprinkler system that supplies water uniformly over your entire lawn without wasted runoff. Our experienced irrigation specialists can respond to most of your sprinkler system repair needs quickly because we understand how important your service needs are. Our experts at Las Vegas Irrigation Repair Co. will assess your sprinkler system repair issues and find solutions that will promptly restore watering needs to your lawn. Upon consultation, we take all aspects of your sprinkler system into account in order to insure reliable future operation. Below you will find a summary of our sprinkler repair services for Las Vegas, Nevada and surrounding areas.
Our Sprinkler Repair Services Include:
5-Year Warranty on Parts
Adding Plant/Tree Lines
Anti-Siphon Valves
Broken Pipes, PVC or Copper
Broken Sprinkler Heads
Brown Spots
Design and Layout
Drip System Add-Ons
Drip System Installation
Drip System Repairs
Drip System Replacement/Remodel
Leak Detection
Low Pressure Diagnosis
Pressure Vacuum Breaker Installation
PVC Pipe Leaks
Sprinkler Design and Layouts
Sprinkler Head Repair
Sprinkler Installation
Sprinkler Pipe Repair
Sprinkler System Installations
Sprinkler System Repair
Sprinkler System Re-Routes
Sprinkler Tune-ups
Sprinkler Valve Repair
Timer Setting or Replacement
Valve and Timer Problems
Valve Location
Valve Repair
Valve Systems
Water Sprinkler Systems
Upgrade Your Existing Controller to a New Model
Replace Your Existing System with a New
Water-Saving Drip System
Replace Corroded Pipes
Broken Sprinkler Repairs
Valve Service & Repairs
PVC & Galvanized Pipe Repairs
Controller Repairs
Wire Tracing & Repair
Emergency Repairs
Water Sprinkler Systems
Wiring Problems
Wiring Repairs
New Water Saving Technology
Seasonal System Checks
Sprinkler and Drip Repair
And Much More….
(702) 802-8974